In conjunction with partners from four other Maryland higher education institutions, the Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery is working on a grant-funded project entitled 'A Roadmap to the Future of Promotion and Tenure' that explores how openness, equity, diversity, and inclusion might be more strongly recognized and rewarded in promotion and tenure practices. As part of those efforts, we are conducting a survey of tenured and tenure-track faculty at Maryland academic institutions to learn about current policies and practices, faculty values, and opinions about how policies and practices align with those values. The survey has been reviewed by the Office of Research at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County and determined to be non-human subjects research.
We invite UMBC Tenure-Track and Tenured Faculty to take the survey.
This project is funded by the Association of College & Research Libraries and led by the Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery at UMBC with four partner libraries at other Maryland academic institutions: Johns Hopkins, Towson University, University of Baltimore, and University of Maryland, College Park. The proposal abstract is attached.