UMBC has many opportunities for you to get started
Getting involved in research helps you network with faculty both on and off campus, strengthen your resume for graduate school, professional school, and employment, support your artistic vision,...
August 28, 2018
11:12 AM
Working with a mentor outside your major can have rewards!
Briana Yancy is a Geography and Environmental Science Major with a Psychology Minor who will graduate in May, 2019. List any Scholars/Honors programs you are a part of: Meyerhoff Scholar 27...
August 28, 2018
10:46 AM
2018 Welcome Week Academic Sessions - Let Us Know!
Your first semester will be characterized by many challenges and experiences, whether you are new to the college experience or a transfer student new to UMBC. We want your first year experience to...
August 27, 2018
8:16 AM
Are you ready for the future?
Sept. 5, Noon – 12:50 p.m. Sherman Hall-A 113 This information session is open to all UMBC undergraduate students who are interested in any of our Prestigious Scholarship Programs....
August 21, 2018
12:56 PM
Sept. 19, Noon - 12:50 p.m., Sondheim 103
Dr. April Householder will conduct a workshop for all UMBC undergraduate students who are interested in getting into research. We welcome all majors and disciplines. If you have questions, we have...
August 20, 2018
11:30 AM
FYS 108Y: First Year Seminar meets Math requirement
The Godfather of Numbers MoWe 10 – 12:15 p.m. Performing Arts & Humanities Building 123 Manil Suri **Department Consent Required** Pre-Req: Students must have successfully completed...
August 14, 2018
10:36 AM
Publish your research
The priority deadline to submit to the UMBC Review is today, August 1st, 2018. Don't forget to submit your completed research at! Contact the editors with any...
August 1, 2018
1:46 PM
Bloomberg School of Public Health- Diversity Internship
The Diversity Summer Internship Program at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health has an opening for a fall internship (minimum of 10 hours/week) supporting the Day at the Market...
July 25, 2018
3:36 PM
Student Discussion Groups
UMBC’s New Student Book Experience: Kindred by Octavia Butler All new students attending UMBC in fall 2018 are asked to read the book Kindred. As part of Welcome Week, the book discussions...
July 25, 2018
10:16 AM
Priority Deadline: August 1
Have you completed research that you want to refine and publish? Would you like to be able to put “published author” on your resume? Would you like professional criticism on your writing from a...
July 23, 2018
11:43 AM