The Baja Racing Summer Enrichment Experience introduced high school students to the Baja SAE competition, an international collegiate design competition where students design and build an off-road vehicle. SEE participants worked side-by-side with members of the UMBC Baja team to learn how to design and build a vehicle. During this one-week summer camp experience, students used computer-aided-design and analysis, gained hands-on experience machining and welding, worked on an actual Baja vehicle, and then drove the vehicle on the UMBC Baja test track!
The program was taught by Dr. Neil Rothman, Professor of the Practice, Mechanical Engineering, from July 9th to 12th, to future engineers entering 9th to 12th grades.
Day 1 – CAD design
Day 2 – Fabrication
Day 3 – Foundery tour (field trip)
Day 4 – Hands-on with car
Day 5 – Drive day