HARP2 is a polarimeter which will be part of the instrument suite on the NASA GSFC PACE mission, a mid-sized satellite mission scheduled to launch in fall of 2022. The HARP2 instrument is being designed and built by UMBC through JCET. The mechanical team has completed the design and is in the final stages of fabrication. The next phase of the project will be assembly followed by testing, calibration and verification. Delivery of the instrument to the PACE project is scheduled for the end of 2020. Student interns would be responsible for helping with documentation including developing testing and assembly procedures and writing reports. They would be responsible for development/design of ground support equipment, assembly fixtures and test apparatus as well of the manufacturing and assembly of this equipment. Students would also be responsible for hands on support and documentation during testing and calibration.
Ben Cramer - ben.cramer@umbc.edu
Mechanical Engineer
Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Internship Opportunity with JCET
Help build NASA GSFC PACE's HARP2 polarimeter
**from JCET, the Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology at UMBC**
Hi, my name is Ben Cramer. I'm an engineer working on campus under JCET on the HARP2 instrument. I'm contacting you because I'm looking for student interns that might be interested in working on the project under mechanical systems. If you have any students that you think might be interested, please feel free to pass along my contact information or send their information to me. Below I've tried to briefly explain the project and what I'm looking for as for far duties, skills, expectations. I'm happy to meet with a potential student and just chat if they are curious. My goal is to bring on at least one student asap and up to 3 through the end of summer.