Samhain Celebration
Come celebrate the end of the Celtic year with the PSU!
Friday, November 1, 2019 · 7 - 10 PM
Samhain (pronounced SOW-in) is a holiday that celebrates the end of the Celtic year, which is marked by the seasons of the northern hemisphere. Samhain also celebrates the time when the last harvest of the year occurred, which means that we'll be celebrating with an autumnal feast! There will also be music, dancing, games, and candy/gifts to take home. Samhain is the basis for the modern celebration of Halloween, so the PSU welcomes costumes and any spooky apparel. Please check the university guidelines regarding full face masks, prop weapons, etc.
Being that this is an event for a spiritual organization, we will also have an altar for offerings and a small ritual during the celebration.
Please note: EVERYONE is welcome at our event! You are not required nor expected to be pagan in order to attend.
Donations of food/drink are very welcome, but please refer to the university's guidelines on costumes and food at events. No alcohol will be provided or permitted at the event.