Just a friendly reminder that REACH will be starting soon, and the mentorship applications are due soon (this Friday at midnight)!
Application process:
There is a very straightforward google form that you need to compete, so we can get to know you well and match you to a mentee.
The application link is below:
We will contact you after the deadline to give you more information about the next steps and how to get started as a mentor!
Thank you to those of you who have already submitted your applications!
Just as a reminder/ recap of REACH:
The ReachInitiative is an organization that encourages young middle and high school women to pursue a career in STEM. Mentors meet with mentees on a weekly basis for three hours and participate in STEM and Gender Empowerment workshops designed by other UMBC students.
Benefits of being a REACH mentor:
Benefits of being a REACH mentor:
Foster relationships with high school students
Conduct research with your mentee
Fine tune your mentorship skills
Encourage young women to pursue STEM careers
Be a part of a community with the same goals
Get community service shown on your transcript through PRAC 096
Add a meaningful experience to your resume
Gain leadership experience
- FAQ's:
- What if I can't make the weekly commitment?
- Don't worry! If you have any time constraints talk to us, and we can work stuff out! You can either be a part of a committee (this has much less time requirements) or we can work out a way to give you mentorship experience!
- Can I still be a part of REACH if I'm not a women in STEM?
- Absolutely! REACH is all about equality and by excluding men/ women not in STEM that defeats the purpose. Send us an email and we can work something out, tailored to your strengths! The only criteria to be a part of REACH is the desire is to promote equality between men and women in STEM fields.
- Can I be a mentor and a part of a committee?
- Definitely! We have had many successful mentors in the past who have done both. It's a great way to get your workshop ideas implemented, and we encourage you to be a part of both!
- What is PRAC 096?
The 096 Community Service & Learning Practicum allows for students to engage in weekly service and reflection through the enrollment in a zero-credit, pass/fail course. It shows up on your transcript as a community service "course". This is a requirement for a lot of scholarship programs, and other organizations.
We still have some leftover T-shirts from REACH, so if you're interested in getting one, send me an email! And we'll give you the shirts!
If you have any questions, as always let us know and we will make sure to answer them as best we can!
We look forward to looking forward to your submissions.
We still have some leftover T-shirts from REACH, so if you're interested in getting one, send me an email! And we'll give you the shirts!
If you have any questions, as always let us know and we will make sure to answer them as best we can!
We look forward to looking forward to your submissions.