This semester a group of students are organizing an Open Mic Night sponsored by the Women's Center and the Gender and Women's Studies Department to address women's grievances. It is encouraged that individuals come out with stories, poems, songs, dance, or any form of art that tells their story of how they overcame situations of sexual harassment, wage disparity, trans politics, or any other feminist issues that are not commonly covered in the mainstream media. Everyone is welcome whether you choose to perform or not.
- Who? A few members of the UMBC community working in conjunction with the Women's Center and Kate Drabinski (Senior Lecturer in Gender and Women's Studies)
- What? A Women's Grievances themed Open Mic Night
- When? April 28th 5-6:30 pm
- Where? The Women's Center (next to the Yum Shoppe)
- Why? To give individuals a platform on which they can share their stories and art
Please contact Rebecca-Ann Warns at with any question!
**This is not a UMBC Serves event