Campus Status: The University is open, with employees working remotely. UMBC’s physical campus remains closed. Maryland is currently under a Safer at Home Order.
For the most updated information and more information on actions to reduce COVID-19 risks in our community, please visit
Updates for Fall
- We have launched the Retrievers Return Roadmap which shares our approach to fall planning. The website will be updated regularly as details emerge.
Student Services and Support
- Students registered for fall 2020 housing received this update earlier in the week. We know there are many questions and plan to share additional information in the coming weeks.
- The Counseling Center will offer a series on resilience beginning Tuesday, June 9, at 11 a.m.
Campus Access
- Despite Governor Hogan’s announcement of Maryland’s move to Phase 2 of the COVID recovery plan, UMBC’s status is unchanged. The university is open, all instruction is online, and employees will continue to work remotely. Access to campus buildings remains restricted. If you need to access campus, please review guidelines on the COVID-19 website.
UMBC Together
- Check out the UMBC Together myUMBC group for new SkillSoft courses on Organizational Change.
- Lucy Wilson, Emergency Health Services shares her expertise on staying safe on Huffpost and WJZ Baltimore.
If you have questions or concerns, please email