Campus Status: UMBC is open, with most students, faculty, and staff studying, teaching, and working remotely. Facilities remain closed. If you have an emergency, please call UMBC Police at (410) 455-5555. Maryland is currently under a Safer at Home Order. However, travel and other restrictions remain in Baltimore County and other areas.
The latest campus updates are posted on the Retrievers Return Roadmap website. If you have questions or concerns, please email
Student Services and Support
- Check out the latest ways for students to Stay Connected with Student Affairs.
- Help promote Welcome Week and Involvement Fest events. Check out and follow the Welcome Week myUMBC group to receive updates as more events are announced.
- Off-campus Student Services (OCSS) welcomes commuters, transfers, adult learners, and veterans back to campus. Look for events in August and follow the OCSS myUMBC group for more updates.
Campus Access
- UMBC’s buildings are secured, with some employees and research teams on campus and taking appropriate health and safety precautions. Only employees with permission from their supervisor, approved researchers, and/or approved students should be on campus.
- If you have a one-time emergency need to visit campus, please call UMBC Police Deputy Chief Bruce Perry at (443) 677-2195 or Lieutenant Derrick Johns at (410) 207-0850.
UMBC Together
- Visit the UMBC Together myUMBC group for a weekly event spotlight.