Campus Status: UMBC is open, with most students, faculty, and staff studying, teaching, and working remotely. Facilities remain closed. If you have an emergency, please call UMBC Police at (410) 455-5555. Maryland is currently under a Safer at Home Order. However, travel and other restrictions remain in Baltimore County and other areas.
The latest campus updates are posted on the Retrievers Return Roadmap website. If you have questions or concerns, please email
COVID-19 Testing and Symptom Tracking
- Students who are approved to be on campus this fall are receiving more information this week about testing and symptom tracking requirements directly via email.
- Beginning on Thursday, August 13, all students approved to be on campus during the fall 2020 semester will be required to complete UMBC’s online symptom tracker every day, seven days a week.
- More information about testing and online daily symptom tracking requirements is available on the student section of the Retrievers Return website.
Student Services and Support
- Don’t miss the last week of the Online Leadership Challenge, with a final challenge on Thursday, August 13.
- A Summer Lunch and Learn: Radically Connected in Baltimore, will be held online Wednesday, August 12, noon to 1 p.m.
- Check out the latest Welcome Week events and save the dates.
Campus Access
- UMBC’s buildings are secured, with some employees and research teams on campus and taking appropriate health and safety precautions. Only employees with permission from their supervisor, approved researchers, and/or approved students should be on campus.
- If you have a one-time emergency need to visit campus, please call UMBC Police Deputy Chief Bruce Perry at (443) 677-2195 or Lieutenant Derrick Johns at (410) 207-0850.
UMBC Together
- You're invited to UMBC’s Fall Opening Meeting on Thursday, August 20, at 11:30 a.m. Register ASAP for this important annual event, now online. More than 375 community members have already signed up to attend.
- Visit the UMBC Together myUMBC group for a weekly event spotlight.