Hello UMBC students,
Election Day 2020 is November 3rd, less than ten weeks from now. UMBC has a strong tradition of very active participation in national elections, with exceptional student turnout.
Use these resources to prepare for Election 2020:
Register and learn how to vote: UMBC is working with the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge, a nonpartisan organization that provides useful tools for students, faculty, and staff members. Visit the ALL IN to Vote site to check your voter registration, register to vote, and learn about the voting process. Maryland’s Voter Registration Deadline is October 13th.
Pledge to vote: Take the ALL IN pledge to vote.In 2018, UMBC finished 6th in the U.S. in the number of voter pledges.
Access Maryland voter resources: Find the latest information on the UMBC Center for Democracy and Civic Life website.
Participate in Election 2020 programs: Upcoming programs include:
a Change Makers Dinner addressing women’s political empowerment,
a Social Sciences Forum on “America’s Amoral Constitution,”
a National Voter Registration Day program, and
Presidential and Vice Presidential debate watch events.
- Serve as election judge: The state of Maryland is recruiting election judges to work at polling stations during the election. These are paid positions and an important public service.