We understand May is an exciting and busy time of year and not all students will be able to attend Lavender Celebration. If you're a graduating LGBTQ+ student who is unable to attend but would still like a cord for your graduation in Spring or Fall 2019 please fill out this form:
Pick up times for the Lavender Cords are as follows:
Tuesday, May 14, 2019 10a.m. - 4p.m.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019 10a.m.-12p.m
If you are able to attend, don't fill out the form above and RSVP below at
By Wednesday, May 8th to secure a seat!
If you would like to nominate someone for one of our Lavender Awards, please go to tinyurl.com/lavendernominations2019
If you have any questions or if these pick up times do not work for you, please email Carlos Turcios, Coordinator for Student Diversity and Inclusion at carlos6@umbc.edu or Sofia Encarnacion, Mosaic Intern for LGBTQ+ Student Engagement and Allyship Development at sencarn1@umbc.edu.
-Campus Life's Mosaic Staff