Campus Life’s Mosaic was originally created by students, staff, and faculty out of a love, conviction, and desire for UMBC to have a space that visibly supports its values of cultural diversity. Over the past 15 years, the work of the Mosaic has grown and evolved with the changing tides on campus, in Maryland, our nation, and across the globe. Despite these changes, we remain committed to creating spaces that advocate for social justice-infused, intersectionality-based equity, inclusion-based education for all.
We are proud to affirm students multiple identities by addressing the needs of all members of the campus community, particularly those who remain underrepresented and/or marginalized on UMBC's campus.
If Campus Life's Diversity and Inclusion area has impacted you in any way, please consider donating to us today, during UMBC's Giving Day, up until May 30, 2020.
Check out our GritStarter to find out more about our student diversity & inclusion initiatives and make your contribution!
Thank you for your support!