Hello all,
As mentioned in our first General Body Meeting on 9/14/20, we are looking for a first year representative for the AIChE Eboard. If you want to get involved in AIChE, this is a great start!
The form to run for the Freshman Representative Position Survey is: https://forms.gle/3KuhzcENmnronQMF7. Please read the google survey carefully when filling it out.
We are also EXCITED to announce AIChE's Mentoring Program as previously discussed in the meeting. The form for the Mentoring Survey is: https://forms.gle/Hf57wnGuMmrdNYdT8. The form is both if you wanted to become a Mentor or Mentee, or you can also be both if you desire. This program is also a great way to meet new friends, interact with the ChemE department or simply getting involved.
If you have any questions about any of the forms or AIChE, please let us know.
Your Eboard Members