Hello AIChE Members,
We would like to share an exciting opportunity with you all!
The American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Student Conference and Annual Meeting will be held virtually this month from November 13th to the 20th. UMBC AIChE is searching for 2 additional AIChE members to attend the conferences this year, along with the ChemE Jeopardy and Chem-E-Car teams. FOR FREE!
This conference will give students the opportunity to network with industry professionals, attend recruitment fairs, participate in both live and pre-recorded webinars, and engage in career development training, which can help you become a stronger student, applicant, and future leader.
If you are interested in this attending this virtual conference please do the following by November 8th @ 5:00 p.m.
1. Confirm that you are a registered AIChE member! (If you are not, do not worry! Contact us at this email or connect with an e-board member through the AIChE Discord.)
2. Complete the google form below!
3. Assess your ability to complete the requirements! (Attendees to the conference will be asked to complete a short essay on their conference experience including but not limited to what events they attended and what they learned, as well as skills and techniques acquired from workshops.)
If you are still not sure if you are interested, below are a few links about the conference:
AIChE Student Conference Schedule: https://www.aiche.org/conferences/annual-aiche-student-conference/2020/events
We would like to give a big thanks to Dr. Marten and the Chemical, Biochemical, and Chemical Engineering (CBEE) Department in advance for sponsoring these two AIChE members.
Thank you for your time and have a great rest of your week!