Defund UMBC Police.
In a time of budget slashing, and limited campus access, the presence of a specialized UMBC Police department seems less and less necessary. Not only as a brief mentioning of it as a reminder of violence to, and as a threat to Black students, as well as other students of color, and LGBTQ+ students, Disabled students,and any student that feel uncomfortable with their presence.The moral necessity alone should speak mountains to administration in a time like this, of months long protest over racial injustice. The administration knows it is going on. Yet will not do the most significant action it can to do something about it.
The UMBC PD is notorious for not doing their jobs anyways. The example of the creation of STOPP UMBC in 2018 should be more than enough for those who remember it.
CW: Sexual Assault Mention
STOPP stood for Speakout To Oppose Predators and their Protectors, and was an unofficial organizational coalition, and UMBC YDSA aims to further their goals in its future, by building ties with organizations and aiming to protect survivors on campus and their interests. If you think your org has these aims in mind, reach out to our Facebook or Twitter.
For those who are new or don't remember, the UMBC PD, including Police chief Paul Dillon, notoriously interviewed suspects in a sexual assault case in the Campus Chik-fil-A. Not at the Police Station, the Chik-fil-A.
As well, the Kits were never tested, and justice was never pursued.
The University never admitted fault, in its Title IX dept, or especially in it's Police Department. In fact, they tried to rehab the UMBC PD later that semester with disgusting events like "Ride a Cop's Segway to forget we did that" and "Oh look, we Got a dog".(Chip is Copaganda)
The Results of STOPP UMBC were positive, but not enough, because momentum died after a few tiny victories.
The UMBC PD mostly does their work in ticketing students. Not giving a damn about the crimes on campus.
Which brings me to the fact that their INFLATED budget could instead go to, student aid, or staff aid, or faculty aid. You know. Something that would instead help someone for once.
Defund UMBC Police.