Baltimore VegFest Suggestions
You want something included at VegFest? Say it here!
posted almost 14 years ago
So, as many of you hopefully know, UMBC Vegetarians and the Animal Awareness Project (AAP) of Baltimore are cosponsoring the first ever Baltimore VegFest on April 30 at UMBC. It's an all vegan event, free to students and the public, and so far includes FIFTY vegan vendors! Vendors include vegan ice cream, vegan burritos, animal activist organizations, environmental organizations, yoga, Caribbean cuisine, vegan jewelry, five vegan bakeries, and SO MUCH MORE.
We also will be have the VP of PETA speaking, a raw food demo, live music, a farmer's market, and SO MUCH MORE :)
If you have any suggestions or ideas, please post 'em below!
Thank ya!