We Believe You's First General Body Meeting
We Believe You is hosting the first General Body Meeting of the new Fall 2020
semester happening this Friday, September 11, 6:00-7:00pm est., via
Webex! This event is open to all members of the UMBC community.
All are welcome to attend as long as they respect survivors, their journeys, and value a survivor-supportive community at UMBC.
Join us as we review a brief history of the organization, introduce our 2020 e-board, and discuss upcoming events, collaborations, workshops, and ways that you can kick-start your involvement and become a student advocate/activist!
During our first GBM, attendees will have the opportunity to introduce themselves and participate in a get-to-know-you activity called "Piece Of Me". This activity will ask that participants share the following:
- Name
- Pronouns (if applicable)
- Undergraduate/Graduate Status or Year
- Major(s)/Minor(s)/Certificate(s)
- Describe a color that matches how you feel about the new semester
- Find and present (or describe) any object (ex: book, picture, pin, shirt, music, etc.) that is of significance to you. Share why that object is important to you and to the creation of your personal identity (i.e. race, ethnicity, class, gender identity, ability/disability, religion/spirituality, nationality, etc.) that is particularly salient to you.
All General Body Meetings will be hosted through Webex. Joining instructions and links below:
Meeting number: 120 488 4545
Password: Zaqrtt2MP28
Join by video system
Dial 1204884545@umbc.webex.com
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
Join by phone
+1-202-860-2110 United States Toll (Washington D.C.)
Access code: 120 488 4545
We Believe You is a student-lead activist, advocacy, and support organization for survivors and allies of sexual and interpersonal violence. We seek to bring about campus-wide awareness of social issues surrounding power-based violence and intersecting forms of oppression.
Interested in joining We Believe You? Have questions or concerns regarding upcoming events or student involvement? Want to connect with a member of our e-board? Email us at webelieveyou.umbc@gmail.com.