Join We Believe You at Involvement Fest on September 10th!
Meet and chat with members of our e-board from 12-2pm est.
Join We Believe You (virtually) at Involvement Fest on September 10, 2020 via. Webex Teams!
Click here or copy and paste the following link into your web browser to be directed to our official Webex Team Space, “We Believe You- Involvement Fest”:
Members of the We Believe You e-board will be be available to chat and answer any questions from 12-2pm est.; however, we will be available all semester to connect. Visit our We Believe You Facebook and Instagram, or email us at
Important Note Regarding Webex Teams and Privacy:
We acknowledge that upon logging into Webex Teams, each members’ name, email, and profile picture will be displayed and can be viewed by other members of the Space. It is our understanding that not everyone may feel comfortable engaging on a public platform such as Webex Teams for this purpose. We ask that anyone who may be uncomfortable with using Webex Teams to send us an email at if they wish to connect 1:1 with a member of our e-board, or simply subscribe to our emailing list by visiting the following link:
We Believe You is a student-lead activist, advocacy, and support organization for survivors and allies of sexual and interpersonal violence. We seek to bring about campus-wide awareness of social issues surrounding power-based violence and intersecting forms of oppression.
All are welcome to join We Believe You as long as they respect survivors, their journeys, and value a survivor-supportive community at UMBC.
Interested in joining We Believe You? Have questions regarding upcoming events or student involvement? Want to connect with a member of our e-board? Email us at