It's that time of year again to start the process for Elections 2020-2021!
The following positions are up for election:
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Project Coordinator
- Advertising Manager
If you wish to run for an admin position, check out our current positions and complete the following Google Form by the Deadline: May 1st. Descriptions for each of the executive positions are provided within the form. Once the May 1st deadline has passed, we will post the candidates' information, and everyone will have a chance to vote by May 8th!
For this election, we will be following and closely adhering to the recommendations from the Virtual Student Organization Elections Spring 2020 Guidelines. More information on how we will be hosting elections and the voting process shall be released within the next week. Please look out for upcoming updates through your UMBC emails. If you have any questions regarding election or further information, please feel free to email us at
What’s New? For this spring election will be trying something new which will include connecting with each candidate via phone/video conference and conducting a short 20-25min interview. If this is something you are not comfortable with, please indicate that on the application and we will find another way to connect with you that is accommodating to your preferences.
Connect With Us: If you have any further questions about any of the admin positions and are interested in connecting with the current admin officer in the position/positions for which you are applying, please email us at and request to set-up a meeting time with said current officer(s). Note: Email response time is typically 12-48 hours.
We want to extend our deepest appreciation for your patience during this adjustment period and hope to secure the best accessible route for voting as possible during remote instruction. We will keep you updated as further discussions around elections and voting modalities continue. If you have any questions about the election application or further inquiries regarding We Believe You, please email us at .
Take Care and Happy Elections!