“It is not enough to be quietly non-racist, now it is time to be vocally anti-racist.” -Angela Davis
The words of Angela Davis (black queer feminist, author, scholar, professor, activist) ring true with us as we continue to move forward and through spaces of racial injustice and systems of oppression and violence. Interpersonal, sexual, domestic, gender-based, racial violence, and the like are ALL rooted in inequality and disparities of power. Our vision and work surrounding the abolishment of sexual violence MUST share the visions of ending all forms of violence and injustice, and this especially includes violence against black lives. Recognizing this, we encourage all members of our community to focus your energy on taking action to support black lives and fight against police violence.
To community members who are black-identified:
We stand in solidarity with you and collectively grieve the recent black lives lost due to white supremacist and/or police violence. We condemn all acts of racism, discrimination, and violence. We are committed. We are committed to continuing this fight as we take action, demand justice, uplift black voices, amplify black dreams, and hold space for you just as we have in our pursuit of justice for survivors. You are a survivor. Your visions for the future are our visions for the future. Your dreams are our dreams. Your fight is our fight. We honor you and will continue to fight with you and support you every step of the way. We believe you. Your life matters. Black lives matter. Still. Always. Forever.
To community members who are white and non-black people of color:
We see you. We see ourselves. We bear witness to the violence done at the hands of individuals and systems based on racial, power, social disparities, and white supremacy. We must commit to the lifelong journey of educating and re-educating ourselves on these issues and unveiling the privilege that sits within ourselves and each other. Unpacking privilege and doing anti-racist work can be uncomfortable but being uncomfortable is not the same as being in danger. Allow yourself to sit with the discomfort and continue to focus on building a future without violence. Doing so must, MUST include ending racial and state violence. This is a call to action. This is a self-commitment. We must turn towards and face the reality of our privileges, our complicity, and our responsibility.
Words, messages of sadness/grief, and social media posts are not enough right now. We must join hands and TAKE ACTION. We must commit to raising our voices against violence and doing the work to end racism and white supremacy. This is our future. There is work to be done.