Happy Fall, Asian Studies students!
Before it gets too much further into the semester, I wanted to formally welcome you (or welcome you back) to campus and to the Asian Studies Program. For those of you who I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting, I am happy to introduce myself, Dr. Julie Oakes, as the Interim Director of the Asian Studies Program for the 2017-2018 year.
I have been at UMBC since 2007, teaching for both the Asian Studies Program and the History Department. While my specialty is modern Japanese history, I have taught a variety of classes here such as East Asian Civilizations, Women and Gender in East Asia, and Art and Power in Japan. In addition to continuing my work in the classroom, I will also be brainstorming with Mrs. Rosenthal and the Asian Studies Council of Majors (ASCOM) to bring you some great events this year!
As Interim Director, it is also my honor to thank our outgoing Founding Director, Dr. Constantine Vaporis, for his tireless efforts on behalf of the Asian Studies Program. Just to give a sense as to how the program has thrived under Dr. Vaporis’ leadership, in 2011 (the first year of the Asian Studies Program) we had two majors and one minor; today we have fifty-nine majors, twenty minors, and two students pursuing certificates! It is impossible in such a brief space to enumerate all that Dr. Vaporis has done in the past decade (or more!) to make this program a reality. On behalf of the students and faculty associated with the Asian Studies Program, thank you Dr. Vaporis for giving us a home. You will be missed!