Even though you may not be able to register for a few weeks, it's important to be advised now while we have advising appointments plentiful and available.
Please do not wait until the last minute.
who have no complicated questions but need clearance should take advantage of walk-in advising with Mr. James Hamilton, Fine Arts 556 SOUTH at these times:
Monday, 11-1
Tuesday, 9-11 and 4-5
Wednesday, 11-1 and 4-5
Thursday, 9-11 and 4-5
Friday, 11-1
Students who are closer to graduation,
have concerns about requirements, are considering study abroad, internships, etc.
should make an appointment with
Dr. Meredith Oyen, Director of the Asian Studies Program, Fine Arts Room 549 SOUTH.
Here’s the link to Dr. Oyen's appointment calendar: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/selfsched?sstoken=UUc1cHltUHhFSWJ0fGRlZmF1bHR8ZDY1MGM3NTg5ZmI2Njg1MjNlNDJjYmMxZTc4NWJkOTM