The Asian Studies Council of Majors (ASCOM) is an organization that welcomes students who are majoring or minoring in Asian Studies or related disciplines. ASCOM helps you to gain access to resources, opportunities, and partnerships beneficial to the study of Asia. Anyone who is interested in Asian languages or culture is also welcome to join!
We have two weekly flagship meetings. First is our Friday General Body meetings from 12-1pm in Fine Arts 558 South, where students can learn and/or present about a topic related to Asia. Free pizza will be provided!
Next, we have our Language Hour meetings, which take place on Tuesdays in Sherman 007 from 6-7pm. At Language Hour, students can practice conversation and receive help in an Asian language of choice.
We also have a variety of academic and social events planned as well, so I encourage everyone to stop by!
Please note that the two fifth floors in Fine Arts do not connect, so the Asian Studies conference room is only accessible by using the elevator or stairs closest to the Engineering Building.