Asian Studies majors/minors/certificate students:
As you know, classes are cancelled on Thursday and Friday (March 12 & 13), and we'll be moving classes online for at least two weeks following Spring Break.
All campus events are cancelled until April 6.
Advising and clearance for Fall 2020 registration (which is scheduled to begin April 6) will continue electronically. I will send out instructions for formats and sign-ups as soon as I settle on a platform. First pick will go to those who have already signed up for an in-person advising slot, and then I'll make the whole schedule available to everyone.
If you have questions or concerns about anything related to your academic program, future plans, or how this transition will work, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Take care, and I look forward to meeting you for advising either online or via telephone as needed after Break.
Dr. Oyen