Hello all,
I hope that you are doing as well as can be expected given the roller coaster of the last week.
First: take care of yourselves, be calm, and please please please do not hesitate to ask ANY questions you have.
Second: we're taking our advising online next week. Here's the plan. My Google calendar is open with many appointments each day. When you sign up for an appointment, indicate in the comments box if you'd prefer email, old-fashioned telephone, chat, or videochat (the latter two via Google hangouts). I will then email, call or send a Google link to connect the chat/video chat at your scheduled time.
If you need a time outside of these hours (I am suddenly able to be very flexible), email me here: oyen@umbc.edu.
I will also be available for advising during regular digital office hours for the rest of the term, which will be posted here each week.
The link to the Google calendar is here:
I'll also post this link on our website.
Meanwhile, follow UMBC Asian Studies on Instagram and/or Facebook.
Take care, all!
Dr. Oyen