To: Class of 2020
From: Commencement Committee
Date: April 20
Subject: Save the Date to Celebrate May 20 & 21
Dear Class of 2020,
The Commencement Committee is so impressed by your grit and perseverance during this challenging time. We wish each of you luck as you complete your final courses and prepare for life after graduation. Thank you for your continued support and patience as we plan to celebrate your achievements.
We are delighted to ask you to Save the Date for an online celebration of your achievements. We will be hosting an online event on Wednesday, May 20 for Graduate students and Thursday, May 21 for Undergraduate students. Both events will take place at 10 a.m.
Hosted by President Hrabowski and campus leaders, these events will include speaker remarks, campus photos, and individual slides recognizing each graduate. The slides will be made available for download, and the celebration will be shared through social media and can be downloaded to share.
In order to participate in this event, you will soon be receiving an email asking you to record your name and upload a photograph to the website. Names must be submitted by April 28 in order to participate in the event. Photographs must be uploaded by May 14. Each photograph will be made into an individual slide featuring your name and honors.
Be creative and personalize your photograph. Did you purchase a graduation cap? Decorate and display it! Or, show off your retriever spirit in your best black and gold. The email will provide details and technical requirements. All photographs will be reviewed, please make sure it is appropriate and does not contain offensive images or language.
Please share the May online date with your friends and family. We will be sharing the dates with our campus community in the coming days so that we all can participate and celebrate your incredible achievements.