To: Class of 2020 (May grads)
From: Commencement Committee
Date: October 12, 2020
Subject: UMBC Commencement and COVID-19
Dear Class of 2020,
We hope that you and your families are doing well and that you are enjoying life after graduation. We appreciate how many of you have kept in touch with us as Retriever Alumni and are delighted to see the ways you continue to change the world.
When we announced back in the spring that we were unable to celebrate your graduation in person, we assured you that we would be inviting you back to campus to celebrate in person as soon as it was safe to do so. Regrettably, the current health conditions will not allow us to accomplish this during our traditional December commencement exercises. Please know that we are hoping that conditions will improve in the spring of 2021.
For December graduates, we will be celebrating their achievements during online ceremonies on Wednesday, December 16 for Graduate students and Thursday, December 17 for Undergraduate students. We appreciate the feedback we received from so many of you and are applying it to this event. Please take a moment to recognize these graduates on social media using the hashtag #UMBCgrad.
We will be in touch as we know more. For questions, please contact the Commencement Committee