Please take note of this opportunity to take a summer course in education and teach high school students!
Hello colleagues.
I am writing to let you know that this
summer we are offering to undergraduate STEM students who are
considering becoming teachers the opportunity to take an education
course while teaching high school students. We will pay tuition and fees for one course (EDUC 310), so this is FREE to students!
This is a shorter version of the NOYCE summer
program that we have been running for the past several years. NOYCE
proved to be a great way to expose students to the teaching field and
providing funding to those who opt to complete their teaching
Attached are a flyer and application. As we
are all beginning the advising grind, I'd appreciate it if you would
hang this flyer and, if possible, provide applications to those who you
think should apply.
Please also share this with others who are advising or who you feel can assist us in finding the best candidates.
We will host an information session on Friday, April 4th during free hour in Sherman Hall Rm 208 (A wing). Applications are due on April 20th.
1) Again, this is FREE to students! The course will run from approximately June 25th-July 25th.
For those who successfully complete the summer experience and want to
pursue their teaching credentials, there is funding available.
3) For those who do not want to seek their teaching credentials,
there is no penalty. They do not need to pay us back for those credits.
folks: we love the Environmental Science students you have sent us!
COEIT: Anne established a track for MEs and Marie is working diligently
to find those future CS teachers!)
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Feel free to also direct interested students to me.
Thanks in advance for helping us spread the word!
Warm regards,
Rehana Shafi
Sherman STEM Teacher Scholars Program
Academic Services Building, Room 106C
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
1000 Hilltop Circle
Baltimore, MD 21250-0001
410.455.1281 (fax)