Better prediction of patient responses to immunotherapy
July 14, 2017 by Megan Hanks As a Washington Post article highlighted, some doctors are now using immunotherapy—stimulating the body’s own immune response to tackle disease in targeted...
July 14, 2017
3:36 PM
Analysis of Irregular Event Sequences using Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, and Visualization Filip Dabek 11:00-1:00 Thursday 13 July 2017, ITE 346, UMBC History is nothing but a...
July 12, 2017
11:11 PM
Well, Lisa- Consider a Nationally Competitive Scholarship
This is Lisa. She's a terrific student. "I have good grades," she asked, when queried. Well, Lisa-- have you ever considered a Nationally Competitive Scholarship? A Rhodes perhaps? Or a...
July 12, 2017
8:19 AM
Forbes and Money magazines share top value profiles
July 11, 2017 by Dinah Winnick Both Forbes and Money magazines have again recognized UMBC as one of the top value universities nationwide, providing one of the best investments that students...
July 12, 2017
7:32 AM
Name: Alex Hart Educational Background: Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from the University of Maryland, College Park Hometown: Baltimore, MD (Go O’s and Ravens!) Current role: As an...
July 10, 2017
1:28 PM
Sponsored by OCSS and Residential Life
Looking for a way to get connected as you start your college career? Sign up for our inaugural Retriever Link-Up program! Commuters and residents are often seen as two exclusive groups on campus,...
July 10, 2017
10:29 AM
establish U.S. presence at bwtech@UMBC
July 7, 2017 by Dinah Winnick The bwtech@UMBC research and technology park has officially launched the iCyberCenter@bwtech to support companies from the United Kingdom and other nations as they...
July 7, 2017
3:19 PM
Where do you see yourself?
For some time, Shriver Center colleagues have discussed creating a video to show at Orientation Sessions for new UMBC students, shared BY students. Over the last six months+, UMBC Alum and...
July 6, 2017
3:55 PM
Every day, people interact with large amounts of text online, including legal documents they might quickly skim and sign without full, careful review. In an article recently published in The...
July 6, 2017
10:23 AM
Well, Artie-- try the UMBC Review! Accepting papers now
"Artie, do you have completed research that you want to refine and publish?" "Yes," said the erudite researcher, who was interviewed while working on an important paper. "Artie, do you...
July 6, 2017
9:38 AM