UMBC is running a summer day camp for rising 9th grade girls
at UMBC this summer. The goal is to increase their interest
in computing by sharing some of the exciting aspects of the
field and teaching them to use technology like Alice,
Python, and Dreamweaver. The camp is run by a group of
student coordinators who are excited and passionate about
sharing their interest in computing with younger students.
The camp runs for five weeks, from June 24 - July 26. The camp organizers are especially interested in recruiting students from under-served communities and from less affluent backgrounds, and there are many full and partial scholarships available.
Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until the
program fills. Financial aid applications are due by June 8
(but we will consider late requests, subject to the availability
of funds.) The application is available on the website.
Questions can be directed to the project coordinators at or Dr. Marie desJardins,
CWIT Scholars and Affiliates are also encouraged to share information below and attached flyer about the camp with former high school and middle school teachers and with any rising 9th grade girls that they know who might be interested in learning more about computing!