Apply for the CWIT Sponsorship to the Grace Hopper Celebration 2017 Orlando, Florida
Total Value of the Sponsorship: $1,300
Description: The Center for Women in Technology (CWIT) at UMBC is sponsoring a small group of students to attend the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing (GHC), which will be held from October 4th-October 6th in Orlando, Florida. GHC is a great opportunity to connect with other women in computing and innovative organizations, hear stories from peers and experts, and get quality career advice specific to your needs. Please visit the conference website at to learn more. Contact us at if you have questions.
Date of Conference: October 4-6, 2017 (Travel October 3-7)
Application Deadline: Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Application Link:
Sponsorship Details:
Paid and organized BY CWIT:
• $450: Conference registration fee
• $150: Hotel: 4 nights of lodging with 4 students per room at the conference hotel
Paid and organized BY STUDENT and reimbursed after the conference with proper receipts. You will be reimbursed for the amount shown on the receipts as long as it is not above the maximum amounts shown below:
• $230-$400: Roundtrip flight: Baltimore Washington International, DC (BWI) to Orlando International, FL (MCO). Depart BWI on 10/3/17 and Return 10/7/17. (Coach class only will be reimbursed).
• $180: Meals (Reimbursement at UMBC per diem rate for meals, $45 per day)
• $120: Airport parking fees and other transportation from airport to hotel and back
Timeline of Expectations if Selected:
1. ON 5/12/17: Attend a meeting on Friday, May 12th, noon - 1 PM in ITE 237 to meet other conference attendees and learn more about what to expect at the conference. There will be another meeting in September to go over the reimbursement procedures for your expenses.
2. BY July 1: Book your flight to Florida by July 1st. You should plan to depart on Tuesday, October 3, and return on Saturday morning, October 7.
3. BY 9/5/17: Communicate with your faculty about attending the conference and making arrangements for any missed coursework. We will provide a letter saying that you are being sponsored to help you have these conversations.
4. IN SEPTEMBER 2017: Attend a meeting in September to discuss reimbursement procedures, sign up to volunteer at the CWIT table at the conference, and review final trip details.
5. POST CONFERENCE: Attend a debriefing meeting after the conference to talk about what you learned.
6. FALL or SPRING SEMESTER: Attendees will also be asked to share their experiences with other students at a CWIT event later in the school year.
7. ALWAYS: Respond promptly to e-mails from us about the conference and complete the necessary paperwork required for travel and reimbursement according to UMBC policies and deadlines.
Note: Students who have applied for a scholarship to attend the GHC already through the Anita Borg Institute (an opportunity that was promoted by CWIT) and students who have never attended the GHC before will receive priority. Students who do not meet these criteria are still eligible, though, so do still apply!
Questions? Contact Erica D’Eramo at