Hall is a "Renaissance Man" who makes robots AND art
Jaylan is a Double URCADian- that's right, he has not one, but TWO presentations at this year's event! He will present his digital artwork, "A Peek Inside the Vault: Digital Prints" at URCAD...
April 18, 2020
9:56 AM
Join us for URCAD Online, April 22-29, 2020! You will be able to view student presentations and interact with the presenters via the VoiceThread (VT) platform. Presenters and...
April 17, 2020
11:44 AM
LGBTQ-themed research and creative work
Come see these LGBTQ-themed presentations at URCAD Online, 2020! A Cultivation Of Rape Culture In D.C., Maryland, And Virginia Universities Nadia BenAissa Kate Drabinski, Gender and Women’s...
April 17, 2020
11:16 AM
A running, jumping robot!
Jaylan is a URA Scholar, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering major, AND a visual artist. He will present his research, "Development Of A Custom Robotic Actuator - Quadruped Robot Project"...
April 17, 2020
10:45 AM
Sirius: An Animated Short
You can see Sirius at URCAD Online, starting this Wednesday! Abstract: Sirius is a 1:07 minute digital animation about a girl walking her dog at night, enraptured by the starry sky. This is a...
April 17, 2020
10:10 AM
Post-modern animation for a digital world
High Definition Real Time Zoetrope (HDRTZ) Presenters: Sam Herring, JD Byron, Silas Dunigan, Matt Vermont You can see it at URCAD Online, starting April 22nd! Abstract: The High...
April 17, 2020
9:43 AM
We are so excited to have her on-board as Office Supervisor!
COVID-19 hasn't stopped the Career Center from welcoming Donna Camp Benner, our new Office Supervisor, to the team! We wish that we could be together in Math/Psych 201, but we are fortunate to...
April 16, 2020
7:41 PM
Join us for URCAD Online, April 22-29, 2020! You will be able to view student presentations and interact with the presenters via the VoiceThread (VT) platform. Presenters and...
April 16, 2020
7:06 PM
Vote Joshua Gray, You Won't Feel Astray
This is a position that means a lot to Joshua Gray and the greater UMBC Community. Our UMBC Community deserves a leader that is willing to put in an immense amount of work to ensure the success of...
April 16, 2020
6:34 PM
Join us for URCAD Online, April 22-29, 2020! You will be able to view student presentations and interact with the presenters. Presenters and guests:...
April 16, 2020
6:13 PM