Join Brian Frazee, M.P.P. '12, president of the Alumni Association Board of Directors, as he introduces Interim Dean Kimberly Moffitt, professor of Language, Literacy, and Culture and affiliate professor of Africana Studies, at this virtual "coffee-inspired" event. You and your fellow CAHSS Retrievers will get an inside look at the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences during this current landscape. |
This conversation will explore powerful and pertinent issues around community engagement in higher education, addressing inequities and racism, living the mission and values of your institution, and the importance of open dialogue and having deeper conversations.
Have a question for Professor Moffitt? Please submit it here.
This virtual event will be live-streamed from OCA Mocha, UMBC's community-building coffee shop, and viewable via UMBCtube. Please register to have the link sent directly to you. |