Per NOT-OD-18-137: Since 1990, Congress has legislatively mandated a limitation on direct salary for individuals under NIH grant and cooperative agreement awards (referred to here as a...
March 9, 2018
3:37 PM
What is a Preliminary Proposal? Preliminary proposals, sometimes referred to as white papers” or “pre-proposals,” are concise, preliminary descriptions of projects that are submitted...
March 7, 2018
11:00 AM
DATE: February 22, 2018 TO: Faculty and Staff FROM: Dean Drake Associate VP for Research SUBJECT: OSP Deadline for Proposal Submissions OSP requests that you deliver your full,...
February 22, 2018
8:12 AM
As you are probably aware the Federal Shutdown is over until at least 2/8. Hopefully we will not have a repeat at that time. All Federal systems should be operating as normal at this time.
January 23, 2018
12:44 PM
What is up and What is Down
Here is a quick rundown of the functionality of the extramural funding systems of some of the major Federal sponsors. If you have any questions please contact OSP and if we don’t have the answer...
January 22, 2018
8:20 AM
While we continue to hope that there will be a positive resolution to this situation it is certainly possible we may be facing a partial shutdown of the Federal Government. While we know what...
January 19, 2018
5:36 PM
We are pleased to announce two winners for our Business Managers Group (BMG) renaming contest. Two names each received more than 10 votes with UMBC Department Administrators netWork Group (DAWG)...
December 20, 2017
2:53 PM
After a bit of a hiatus the Office of Sponsored Programs Group is being revived. Please subscribe to keep up with announcements regarding OSP news. Please share this with other staff and faculty...
December 12, 2017
1:22 PM
Please share this with NIH sponsored faculty
Why Project Outcomes Matter in your Interim and Final RPPR Posted on November 16, 2017 by Mike Lauer The next time you are filling out your interim or final Research...
December 12, 2017
1:19 PM
Purpose The purpose of this Notice is to alert the NIH extramural community that NIH is strengthening enforcement of longstanding closeout requirements, outlined in the NIH Grants Policy...
December 1, 2017
3:59 PM